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Power your Sales with AI

Across industries such as media & entertainment, retail and consumer goods, relevance is the new key to driving revenue growth. With consumers constantly evaluating choices, businesses must stay relevant in every moment between sales and service to capture new opportunities to engage and grow.

We’ll help you implement AI-powered solutions across customers, channels, and products. By breaking down data silos, AI can reveal a real-time, 360° view of your customer and glean insights that you couldn’t see before—powering new strategies and capabilities for optimisation across growth levers.


Next Best Offer

Improving the up-sell and cross-sell opportunities by building predictive baskets based on customer preferencefor next best offer. 


Pricing Promotion

AI powered pricing and promotion to most accurately predict which “blend” of promotions will deliver maximum revenues and yield the highest ROI.


Lifetime Value

AI powered Sales and Marketing operations to increase customer engagement and overall value by enhancing customer experience throughout the lifetime 



AI to identify early sign of churn per individual buyer while knowing the factors behind each churn in order to enact preventive mesures to mitigate it.


266, Davidson House
The Forbury
Reading RG1 3EU



Registered in the United Kingdom